The Importance of Digital Literacy for Board Directors

Board Directors are accountable for overseeing the direction, strategy and performance of a business. They also have the responsibility of representing shareholders’ interests and making sure that management is delivering value. In order to do this, boards must decide on the tasks they are accountable for and which can be legitimately delegated to management.

They also have a say on crucial strategic decisions, like mergers and acquisitions, stock splits and share repurchases programs, and dividend declarations. They are also charged with the task of hiring and firing the CEO and determining the compensation for the top executives. To accomplish this, they should be prepared to tackle difficult questions and engage constructively in debate. Lastly, they are responsible for ensuring that the company’s finances are in order as well as the compliance with laws and ethical standards.

A good board member can provide insight and help the board become more efficient. They also establish a culture that encourages collaboration and communication in the boardroom. They are knowledgeable of the field in which they operate and are able to provide valuable advice.

As the world around us gets more complex, so do our corporate obligations. The COVID-19 epidemic has taught us that we must increase our speed and agility in order to keep pace with. Many boards have expanded the scope of their responsibilities to include topics such as developing talent and culture. They also pay attention to resilience and risk management as well as technology and digitalization. To achieve this, board members must be proficient in digital technology and ready to collaborate at an even higher level to achieve forward-thinking goals.

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